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Our CSR policy

Our commitment to sustainable development

"Since its creation, IKOS has taken up the challenges of sustainable mobility in France and abroad, through their activities in the field of railways and energy, particularly electrical energy. IKOS’ CSR policy is naturally built in line with the group’s values and positioning. The involvement of all the teams is key to the success of our CSR approach, a guarantee of excellence for IKOS."

Today, IKOS is the European leader in engineering services for the railway sector as well as an important reference in the energy sector. This responds to the industry major stakeholders’ demand to outsource part of their activities. Our values are the foundation of our business project and the pillars of our cohesion: Respect, Passion, Excellence, Team spirit.

Our CSR objectives

IKOS is a socially responsible company that integrates economic, social and environmental considerations into its decision-making across its value chain, providing a respectful and fulfilling working environment for all its stakeholders. Our CSR policy, applicable to all IKOS Group subsidiaries internationally, is defined on the basis of the analysis of the CSR issues and risks associated with the group and following the definition of IKOS' double materiality matrix. It is based on the ISO 26000 standard.


IKOS is committed to being an honest, transparent and responsible economic player. The objectives that the group has set for itself on the economical pillar are as follows:


✓ Ensure the financial sustainability of the group through fair commercial and contract practices

  • Continue to ensure compliance with the internal anti-corruption system
  • 80% of employees have taken the IKOS awareness course on the topics of customer loyalty practices in 2024
  • 100% of ethics alerts (internal or external) are handled
  • Formalize the security plan of the IKOS information system in order to the entire group by the end of 2024, in accordance with ISO 27001
  • Continue to ensure information security protection
  • 80% of employees have taken the awareness course on the safety of the IKOS Information System by the end of 2024


✓ Ensuring responsible and sustainable purchasing

  • 50% of suppliers and service providers have signed the IKOS responsible purchasing charter by the end of 2024

Aware that the strength of the group is first and foremost its employees, IKOS has been committed, from the start, to promoting a respectful, fulfilling working environment and a collaborative spirit for the entire group.

The CSR policy social pillar objectives that IKOS has set for itself are as follows:


✓ Ensuring Human Rights respect throughout our value chain, advocating equity and diversity

  • 100% of subsidiary Managers have signed the Human Rights and labor standards respect commitment charter by 2024
  • 80% of employees have taken IKOS awareness e-learning on the topics of equality, diversity, harassment and discrimination at work in 2024
  • 100% of subsidiaries located in high-risk countries are audited at least once a year on respect for Human Rights and international labor standards in 2024


✓ To enable the development of skills and knowledge of all our employees in all subsidiaries

  • 100% of employees have access to internal and external training
  • Minimum 7 hours of training per employee on average


✓ Maintain an effective EHS Management System to ensure our employees’ safety, health and well-being at work

  • Continue to have no fatal accidents
  • Continue to maintain the Frequency Rate and Severity Rate < National Average
  • Continue to raise awareness, empower and involve 100% of the teams
  • 100% of sites are covered by a risk analysis
  • Make every effort to prevent accidents at work (training,authorisations, risk analyses, PPE, etc.)
  • Increase the number of field visits compared to 2023
  • Continue to strengthen EHS feedback
  • Roll out QWL surveys to the entire group


✓ Promoting integration and diversity

  • Continue to favor suppliers who are integration companies
  • Continue to raise awareness among employees on the subject of integration (disability, etc.)
  • Carry out at least 3 actions to raise awareness of the engineering professions with young women (in highschool )


✓ Establish an official partnership with a charity and carry out actions in it favor throughout the year


As a railway and energy engineering consulting company, our impact on the environment is "indirect": it is mainly related to the use of buildings, supplies and IT equipment as well as the travel of our employees. Thus, IKOS has set itself the following environmental objectives in order to continue to reduce its energy spending and limit its environmental impacts:

✓ Reduction of our scope 2 and 3 carbon footprint by 5% by 2026

✓ Reducing the energy impact of the buildings used by IKOS

  • Transition all energy contracts of our France offices to 100% renewable energy by 2025
  • Reduce lighting in common areas of offices in all IKOS France and international offices
  • Advanced waste recycling in 100% of IKOS France and international offices (at least: paper / cardboard; plastic; glass; coffee capsules; organic waste)


✓ Reducing the environmental impact of business travel

  • Reduce business travel by flight by 10% compared to 2023


✓ Reducing the impact of IKOS' IT infrastructure

  • At least 20% of IT equipment purchase is a refurbished material purchase by the end of 2024
  • 100% recovery of IT waste (donation or recycling depending on the state) by the end of 2024
  • 100% of new PCs will use an eco-friendly search engine by end of 2024


✓ Continue to promote, among all our employees, good ecological and environmental practices in both professional and personal activities in all IKOS offices

  • Train 80% of employees on environmental issues related to IKOS activities


✓ Include the environmental criterion in the selection of new suppliersin line with IKOS' Responsible Purchasing Charter

Under its responsibility, for the year 2024, the Quality-EHS-CSR department has the authority to support the Management in the implementation, monitoring and animation of the CSR approach and the EHS Management System of IKOS.

IKOS undertakes to measure and analyse its CSR performance by indicators relevant to the ambitions and objectives set out in this policy, at least every six months.

IKOS is committed to promoting its CSR commitment to our customers and other stakeholders by communicating its policy and approach throughout the year.

Index mixité 2024

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