ICAM, ESTACA, ICAI, UTC, INSA Centre Val de Loire, EPF, ENSAM, Centrale Supélec, ENSEEIHT, ISEP, Politecnico di Torino, University of Gand (UGent Belgium), NYU… These are some of the schools where our Lab teams speak on a regular or ad hoc basis on a variety of subjects: innovation, bio-mimicry, project management, RAMS, energy production, etc. The Lab collaborates with the ENSTA and the Ecole des Mines ParisTech.
We also hold discussions with the laboratories of engineering schools and teacher-researchers on R&D projects and the modules to be developed.

All this knowledge is carefully organized in a Knowledge Management System tool. This allows us to call upon the lecturers who are the most suitable for specialised and complex subjects and to create real skills networks to refine our expertise. Consultants input their experience and skills acquired during their projects.
This is why the Sinapse service is important, that we created in 2016. This tool allows any consultant to ask a specific question and the Lab teams can then contact the appropriate person to reply to then within 48 hours.
Moreover, in order to promote the development of IKOS know-how, the sharing of knowledge and the dissemination of good practice, our consultants and managers meet in working parties internal to the company, linking cross-disciplinary jobs and knowledge: our practice groups.